From her time on the bench, Karen grew to understand that the status quo isn’t working anymore for families in our community and those in the criminal justice system. Karen believes in enacting common sense criminal justice reform by being smart on crime.

Oakland County, Michigan, should be ground zero in the national fight for criminal justice reform. For people who care about progressive criminal justice reform, winning this Prosecutor’s race is essential.
Oakland County At a Glance:
- 2nd Largest County in Michigan
- Richest County in Michigan1
- Biggest County Prosecutor’s Budget in Michigan
- Ranked 8th nationally for incarceration, probation, and parole 2
As Oakland County Prosecutor, Karen will:
Treat All Community Members with Respect
- Listen to & protect victims of crimes
- Establish a functioning Hate Crimes Unit to address offenses motivated by race, gender, or sexual orientation
- Protect our immigrant population and keep families together
- Implement job share and part time work options for parents in the Prosecutor’s Office
- Partner with a canine advocacy program to help children testify against abuse and sexual assault
Develop Just & Fair Prosecution Policies
- Build a transparent, accountable Prosecutor’s Office
- Organize a Conviction Integrity Unit to evaluate and consider new evidence that has come to light for past convictions
- Eliminate cash bail and hold people accountable for crimes, rather than for their ability to pay
- Put an end to coercive plea bargaining
- Form a senior attorney advisory board to help assistant prosecutors use discretion to reduce and amend charges
Promote Treatment & Diversion Programs
- Invest and participate in veterans and treatment courts that reduce crime and incarceration
- Establish mental health courts and provide necessary treatment options
- Support a bipartisan task force to improve outcomes for people reintegrating into society
- Establish diversionary programs for low-level, nonviolent offenders
Focus on Crimes that Matter to the Community
- Keep Oakland County streets safer by targeting violent crimes and criminals
- Reduce mass incarceration by addressing low-level, nonviolent offenses without jail time
- Cease prosecuting marijuana possession cases and encourage expungement of past marijuana possession charges
- Treat children like children and hold youth accountable without unnecessary incarceration
- Promote successful reintegration without overly punishing nonviolent technical parole violations
From The New York Times:
Michigan Prosecutors Defy the Supreme Court. The justices have said repeatedly that juveniles should almost never be locked up for life. In Michigan, the message isn’t getting through.